How long do Migraine last?

How long do Migraine last?

Pain in any part of your body reduces functionality, and when we talk about Migraine (severe headache), we can imagine how it affects the body functions. If you are suffering from a migraine or your loved one has this, no need to worry. This pain will vanish soon. Follow the article till the end to get tips and tricks to tackle this Migraine. In the following article, we get to know about How long do Migraine last? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

How long does a Migraine last?


What is a migraine, and how long does it last? These are the two main questions that arise when you know about the illness. Headache seems to be a neurological disorder that results in severe headaches following nausea, throbbing and creates light and sound sensitivity. Vomiting can also occur as a symptom of Migraine.

Time is the best healer. But healing in a long time can result in disturbed physical activities of a person. The migraine attack has four phases that can last from hours to days. The minimum it would take is 2 hours to get healed.

Headache or Migraine

How to recognize a headache as a migraine? The pain is not moderate. It begins attacking from mild to severe, resulting in your head’s throbbing, nausea, visual disturbances, and a disturbing physical routine. Never neglect this condition. Treat yourself to have relief.

Migraine has four phases. Everyone doesn’t face each stage. But, it’s just luck, not every time. The phases prodrome, aura, headache, and postdrome can last up to a week. But, in some cases only. If you are suffering for more than 72 hours without any treatment, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Migraine attacks can be hereditary or triggered by abnormalities like stress, sleep disorder, dehydration, or hormonal disturbances.

How to avoid Migraine?

Control the trigger points to control attacks if it is not hereditary. A good sleep, stress-free routine, properly hydrated, and balanced hormones can help you stop headache attacks.

What if you have been a victim of a headache attack? You are down because of the pain. No worries, you can still treat it to make yourself well. Track yourself. Track headache attack by noting down the pre headache symptoms that lead you to the headache phase.

The prodromal phase can manifest as food cravings, fatigue, frequently urinating, anxiety, etc. Every time, if it shows up in this manner, you can take over-the-counter medicines or medicines prescribed by your doctor. This will lower the risk of migraine proceeding further.

When to consult a doctor?

What if you have a chronic headache? How will you get to know about this? You have to track your headache days in a month. If it counts more than 14 days and is untreated, you can face chronic Migraine, maybe now or in the future.

You better need to consult a doctor. He can diagnose and treat well if you correctly point out proper symptoms, pain location, and duration.

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