If you went to your yard to have fun or spend quality time with your family but found out that the tiny mites called chiggers are present there who won’t let you have a fun time and cause you problems like itchiness. The situation may leave you troubled and make you ask questions like how to get rid of chiggers?
However, If you are in the same situation, don’t worry. Keep reading this article. Here we will provide you with some of the best natural solutions to eliminate chiggers from your yard and also some solutions to treat chigger bites.
What Exactly Chiggers Are?
Chiggers are usually known to be microscopic mites that like to live in warm areas and also grassy and wooded areas. They are tiny red, orange or even yellow in color and have six legs. They are small in size, and barely visible.
When chiggers are at their larva stage, they mainly feed on the skin of humans and animals. They attach to your clothing, begin to move on your skin and release a liquid chemical on the skin, which eventually causes the itching. It can be very extreme in the initial stages but gets better as time passes.
Also, remember that the chiggers at the nymphal and adult stage do not bite humans. They feed on the insect eggs and small, soil-dwelling insects.
What Are Some Most Common Signs Of Chigger Infestation?
It can be slightly tricky to know if you have a chigger infestation in your yard. They are not like other insects, so they won’t leave any of their signs like droppings from the body or some other kind of destruction.
Unfortunately, chiggers are so small in size that it is difficult to spot them with your naked eyes. You may need a magnifying glass in order to see them properly. Chiggers generally like to live in places like grass and vegetation.
However, if you sit or hang out in your yard and find yourself itchy, then this can serve as one of the signs of the infestation of chiggers, as it is known that chiggers like to attach themselves to the hosts like humans and animals.
What Are Some Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Chiggers?
Here are some of the most natural methods that you can use to make your yard chiggers-free.
Diatomaceous Earth

One of the best natural ways to get rid of chiggers is by using diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth kills chiggers by dehydrating and preventing proper circulation of the chiggers’ bodily fluids, which eventually causes them to die.
You can easily find Diatomaceous earth at a garden shop or online stores like Amazon. Once you have got it, put on the gloves and sprinkle the powder in areas where chiggers are residing, which is usually at places like shrubs, tall grass, shades, etc.
Utilize Essential Oils

There are a lot of essential oils that you can use to get rid of chiggers. Some of the most effective essential oils that you can use are the following:
- Thyme
- Tea Tree Oil
- Peppermint Oil
- Lemon Grass
- Geranium
- Lavender
Apple Cider Vinegar

If you do not have essential oils available in your home, don’t worry; you can also use apple cider vinegar. Simply mix apple cider vinegar with some water and begin to spray the mixture in the different areas of your yard to kill the chiggers.
Remove The Shades From Your Yard

How to get rid of chiggers? Simply allow more sunlight in your yard.
Cheggar never likes to get exposed to direct sunlight. They usually want to reside in shady areas so you can take advantage of that.
Ensure your yard gets a lot of sunlight throughout the day. You can trim the trees and brushy shrubbery in your lawn to increase the sunlight your yard is getting. You can also remove some objects if it helps increase the overall exposure of sunlight in your yard. It will help kill the chigger as they won’t be able to find any shady areas to live in.
Try Getting Rid Of The Wildlife From Your Yard

Another effective way to get rid of chiggers from your yard is to not let the wildlife stay in your yard, which includes the animals like birds, reptiles, amphibians, and small mammals. That’s because these animals are known to be the most common host for the chiggers.
So, in order to prevent the wildlife from entering your yard and bringing chiggers along with them, you can trim back vegetative growth, remove the water and food sources or anything else that may give an invitation to the different types of wildlife
What To Do If Chiggers Are Still There?
If you have tried the methods mentioned above but still are not able to get rid of the chigger in your yard, you may need to use some chemicals or take the help of professionals.
When the natural solutions don’t work, you can try insecticides that are specifically made to treat chiggers.
Currently, there are many insecticides available that you can choose from. However, just make sure to do good research and look for an insecticide that is effective in killing chiggers. Also, ensure that your insecticide must contain chemicals like Diazinon, Carbaryl, Cyhalothrin, Befenthrin, etc.
If you do not want to do all of the hard work required to get rid of chiggers, simply hire the professionals to do it for you.
How To Prevent Your Yard From Being Affected By The Chiggers Again?

So, now you know how to get rid of chiggers. Let’s explore how you can prevent the chiggers so they don’t come back in your yard.
- Try mowing frequently.
- Eliminate all the weeds in your yawn.
- Get rid of all the woodpiles, leaves and debris.
- Remove all the trash like newspapers, plastic bags, food wraps, etc., as they can collect moisture and cause bug infestation.
- Trim the shrubs and brush them backwards. It will allow more sunlight in your yard, which helps in discouraging the chiggers.
- If you have been in an area where chiggers might be present, ensure to wash your clothes as soon as possible. It will prevent chiggers from spreading in your home.
Can Chiggers Bite You?

It’s possible for chiggers to bite you up if they have managed to get onto your skin. Usually, they bite on specific areas of the body like lower legs, behind the knees, Groin, Waist, and ankles.
There are many signs that you will be able to spot when a chigger bites you. Some of the most common signs include the following:
- Itching around the affected area
- Blisters
- Red bumps
- Swelling
- Hives
What Is The Best Way To Treat Chiggers Bite?

If you have noticed or feel the chigger bites on your skin, the very first step is to get into the shower as soon as possible. It will remove all the chiggers that are lying on your skin. And, also wash the clothes that you think might be affected by the chiggers. It helps kill the existing bugs and prevent them from spreading further.
Now it’s the time to treat the chigger bites. There are various over-the-counter products that you can use, for example, calamine lotion, Benzocaine ointment, Oral antihistamines, Hydrocortisone cream, etc.
If you don’t see any improvement in your condition and it becomes severe, contact your doctor for optimal treatment.
What Are Some Ways To Prevent Chiggers Bite?
Here are some of the ways that you can use to prevent chigger bites:
- When you are out, always wear protective clothes, for example, long-sleeved shirts, long pants, tall socks and adequate shoes.
- Utilize a bug or mosquito repellant on the exposed skin.
- Avoid doing activities near grassy, wooded and wet areas when the temperature is warm.
- If you use a blanket on the ground, you wash it properly in hot water.
- Avoid walking in the weeds and tall grass.
- When you come back to your home from outside, shower as soon as possible because sometimes chiggers may wait a little bit before they begin to bite you.
So, that was a complete guide on how to get rid of chiggers. The signs of them might not be easy to spot, but if you notice the frequent itching on your skin after spending time in your yard, it can be an indication that there’s chiggers infestation. However, you can easily get rid of it using the methods we mentioned above.
Once you are done getting rid of chiggers, make sure to follow the prevention tips we provided so that you and your yard doesn’t get affected by chiggers again.
If you notice that the chiggers have made their way to the skin and bite you, use the solutions provided in this article. If chigger bites are causing you extreme problems, take professional help, immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What Kills Chiggers Instantly?
Ans. According to the sources, Diatomaceous earth is known to kill chiggers instantly by dehydrating them.
Q2. How Long Do Chiggers Live On You?
Ans. In general, chiggers can stay on your skin for only 1-2 days. That’s probably because of the skin’s adverse reaction toward these tiny mites.
Q3. Do Chiggers Lay Eggs In Your Skin?
Ans. No, chiggers never lay eggs in a human’s skin.
Q4. How To Deal With Chiggers If They Are On Your Skin?
Ans. If you feel that chiggers are roaming on your skin, just brush them away or wash that part of the body. If multiple parts of the skin are affected by chiggers, simply jump into a hot shower as soon as possible.
Q5. Does Rubbing Alcohol Kills Chiggers?
Ans. No, remedies like rubbing alcohol or even nail polish won’t have any effect on the chiggers as they do not burrow into the skin.