Oli and Hali Fashion Trends to Lookout For


Seasons change, influencers come and go, and there is always a new trend just around the corner–but Oli and Hali is making clothes that stand the test of time. You can find these unique pieces and others by going to a fashion ecommerce shop, add viewing exclusive items available online only. 

Oli and Hali is a fun fashion brand from the heart of Los Angeles creating free-spirited designs that enchant, inspire, and elevate your style with a boho-chic appeal. So what should you be on the lookout for when it comes to styles from this fashion-forward brand? We’ve broken it down so that you can know the best looks when it comes to Oli and Hali fashion. 

The Timelessness of Boho-Chic

When thinking of timeless fashion, one usually thinks of classic-cut basics–pencil skirts, peacoat jackets, and a classic collared shirt. But boho-chic styles have persisted in the culture since way before even the flower children of the 1960s, making this style a classic. ‘Bohemian’ was always used to describe care-free and unconventional members of society who leaned into flowy garments in beautiful colors and patterns.

According to Harper’s Bazaar, Paul Poiret (a turn-of-the-century French fashion designer) draped his models in beautifully flowing fabrics that contrasted to the more laced-up fashions of the day. This style became the uniform of the free-spirited and creative. The modern bohemian style is best exemplified by the aforementioned flower children of the 1960s. 

The Summer of Love

Boho-chic style today draws primarily from the hippies who are defined by the so-called ‘summer of love’ in 1969. The hippies wore secondhand, handmade, and altered clothing that fit their free-spirited attitudes. 

We may see the specific style of the 1960s hippies as a bit dated these days. After all, ‘hippie’ is a popular Halloween costume year after year. But elements of the bohemian style persist year after year and meld with the style of the day to bring us to the boho-chic fashions of today. 

Modern Boho-Chic Style 

Modern boho-chic style embraces comfort, individuality, and the free spirit that has always run through the bohemian style. Oli & Hali embraces this same spirit of freedom that places it amongst other prime boho-chic brands like Umgee Clothing.

 Let’s break down the best Oli & Hali fashion trends you’ll want to look out for.  

  • Patchwork 

Oli & Hali clothes are defined by their playful patchwork designs. These designs power-clash with contrasting colors and patterns to create a visual feast and beautiful style. In the original spirit of bohemian fashion mixing and matching different patterns and colors were a hallmark of the style. Oli & Hali captures this same bohemian spirit with the patchwork designs of their clothing. 

  • The Versatile Shacket 

Have you ever seen a girl go down the street with an oversized button-up shirt that was oh-so cute? But then you get closer and you realize it’s maybe a jacket? This versatile and bemusing piece of clothing is the ‘shacket’. The shacket is neither a shirt nor a jacket because it’s both. This unique piece of outerwear can complete an outfit and take it to a new level. 

  • Kimonos 

Oli & Hali also carry a variety of chic kimonos that are for sure going to be a trend to watch. A cute printed kimono adds a dramatic silhouette to any outfit. Pairing this with a simple outfit, like jeans and a tee-shirt, can elevate any look instantly. 

  • Boho Iconography

Oli & Hali incorporates peace signs and flowers into their designs. These large decals represent the close-to-nature spirit of bohemian clothing. A beautiful daisy or a colorful peace sign can make an outfit fun and freeing. 

  • Flowy Cuts and Fabrics 

Harkening back to the designs of Paul Poiret, the flowy cut of Oli & Hali clothes continue the tradition of classic bohemian style. The flowy style allows for freedom of movement, comfort, and beautiful style. Pair a flowy shirt with more fitted jeans, or a cute mini skirt. Or try some flowy harem pants with a cute crop top. 

These are just a few of the fun trends that you can be on the lookout for from Oli & Hali. Their patchwork styles evoke a wonderful boho-chic casual style that you can wear day after day and feel stylish and comfortable. 

How to Incorporate These Styles Into Your Wardrobe

When you stumble upon a new style it may seem like an excuse to throw everything out the window and start fresh. You may look at your closet and wonder why you even bought half of these things! And while a closet refresh may be warranted there is no reason to get rid of everything and start fully fresh. Here are our favorite tips for elevating and expanding upon a wardrobe you already have. 

  • Mind The Gap 

Look for the gap in your wardrobe. Do a full assessment of your wardrobe. What are the pieces you reach for again and again? And which are the pieces that are just gathering dust? Look at those pieces you love. What would compliment them? Maybe your favorite shirt will look fantastic with some cute overalls. Or your favorite sundress just needs a great shacket to take it from summer to autumn. Look for the gaps in your wardrobe and strategize how you’d like to fill them. 

  • Visualize It

Vision boards aren’t just for setting life and career goals, they can also be a useful tool when it comes to zeroing in on your own personal style. Comb through social media, magazines, and anywhere you find inspiration to pull together images that inspire you. Putting together the elements that inspire you can help you zero in on exactly what it is that you love. 

  • Shop Second Hand 

Shopping second-hand can be a great way to incorporate totally unique pieces into your wardrobe. Vintage and thrift shopping is a wonderful and sustainable way to add flair without breaking the bank. Try wearing out one of your new favorite pieces and go to a thrift store to find accessories for it. We love scarves, dangly earrings, stackable bracelets, and unique purses. 

  • Pair Something Unexpected 

What are two pieces in your wardrobe that you would never consider together? What if you pulled them out right now and tried to wear them together? Trying on two favorite pieces you never expected to wear together may be a great way to breathe new life into a piece that may feel stagnant. 

There are so many new ways to make well-worn clothing feel new again. When you add something into your wardrobe it’s important to know exactly where it will fit. Visualizing, planning, and making space for something new in your wardrobe will help your personal style to feel more cohesive. 

Keep On the Pulse 

Keeping on the pulse of boho-chic fashion is easy when you zero in on the styles and brands that make you happy. Oli & Hali represents a very playful and fun element of the boho-chic style. When you pull on a piece from them you’re transporting yourself back to the halcyon days of running in grass in your bare feet. Whether you’re looking for a full fashion overhaul, some new inspiration, or a special occasion piece you can find it by exploring these fun boho-chic brands. 

Bohemian style has stood the test of time. From the turn of the century to the 1960s to today, boho-chic style will always be a part of the fashion conversation.